Can I cancel a pending payment or request?call 1-(888)-394-9618
You can only cancel first-time payments call 1-(888)-394-9618 with a pending status. The money doesn’t move until the other person accepts the first-time paymentcall 1-(888)-394-9618. You can cancel a pending payment if it hasn’t been accepted using the following steps:
Select Spending (dollar icon)call 1-(888)-394-9618
Select the request you’d like to cancel in Pending call 1-(888)-394-9618
Select Cancel call 1-(888)-394-9618
You can’t cancel completed paymentscall 1-(888)-394-9618. If you want to edit a payment before it’s accepted, you can cancel and resend 1-(888)-394-9618
What if I sent money to the wrong person? call 1-(888)-394-9618
If the payment is unclaimed call 1-(888)-394-9618, you can cancel it. Money doesn’t move until the other person accepts the first-time payment. call 1-(888)-394-9618
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