Turquoise is one of the oldest gemstones commonly associated with the American Southwest and Arizona and New Mexico mines. However, long before that, Turquoise was mined from the Sinai Peninsula; the region of Sinai was known as Mafkat (“country of turquoise”) to the ancient Egyptians. Astrologers say that Tibetan Turquoise Jewelry is not just a stone but a stone with many benefits; its divine energy can improve your life. In addition, Turquoise is a stone of purification. Its exquisite color attracts many women, and it has blue, green, bluish-green, and yellowish-green The most preferred shade of Turquoise is robin egg blue (greenish-blue) which makes fabulous Jewelry. Turquoise is also a symbol of traditional beauty. For these reasons, the Tibetan Turquoise gemstone is valuable in the jewelry industry for making Jewelry.
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