Alluring Tektite Jewelry by Rananjay Exports

Tektite Jewelry are a sub-category of molten glass. Also known as foamy glass, they have a bubbly texture when observed from a close distance. Although the formation and origin of tektites are yet being debated, mineralogists claim that the melting of silica-rich rocks formed tektites. This happened when the meteorite impacts occurred in the cataclysmic event billions of years ago. The word “Tektite” has been derived from an ancient Greek word that means “molten.” Generally, tektites are found as gravel-sized masses composed of black, grey, or brown natural glass. This glass was ejected from terrestrial debris during meteorite impacts. They are generally found in small sizes, ranging from a few millimeters to centimeters. The millimetre-scale tektites are known as microtektites.

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